Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Thoughts about rainy days

Rainy days reminded me so much of my happy and exciting childhood days..
I can still remember that when I was in elementary, I love to play outside even though I am not allowed to play in the rain because I was sickly..me and my classmate play boat race, we race it into the stream of water across to their house. During my time, there were no clogged drainage and the streets are clean. Leptospirosis was never heard of during that time.

during rainy days we have chicken asparagus soup for meryenda and this is my comfort food during a cold, rainy weather..

During rainy days, I used to play hide & seek with my cousins. My mommy usually don't allow us to play inside in our house because of the mess we create. But rainy days is an exception.

And as I grow old, rainy days is now a misery rather than fun. Flood in Pacita Boundary is not an excuse not to go to work or in school ( I'm a Post-Grad so I anticipate that we are not included in class suspension). If you can get there by swimming, flying or riding on an amphibian you may do so. If your place was hit by a typhoon, then you have to do some cleaning up. Just last night, It was raining so hard and I got stranded.. whew!!! 
If only I can be a kid again ,then I have nothing to worry about.

Krissy :)))

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